RED Friday at Leading Edge Composites

The United States has been a nation at war since 2001. In the aftermath of 9/11, the country entered the Global War on Terror, a protracted, hard-to-measure conflict that has taken U.S. forces to multiple countries worldwide.

But the Global War on Terror has been America’s longest war, and in our digital age, some Americans have lost sight of the fact that we are still a nation at war. Many have become distracted by what is happening in their own lives.

R.E.D. is an acronym that stands for Remember Everyone Deployed. R.E.D. Friday was created to remind people of our heroes overseas and show that we are thinking of them. People across the country wear red every Friday to serve as a reminder and spread the message of how important it is to keep our troops in our thoughts.

Leading Edge Composites recognized R.E.D. Fridays by our staff dress up in red, and some very delicious cupcakes. We always salute our servicemen and women that protect our freedoms and the veterans who served our wonderful country.

For more information about R.E.D. Fridays, click here.